I love Halloween, or any reason to dress up for that matter. My mom was the best growing up-always making my costumes from patterns that we scoured over at JoAnn's in the McCall's books, then selecting the fabric and perfect trims (hello early rhinestone obsession). I need to learn how to sew for any future children I may have, as I just can't buy costumes in a bag. I either piece them together through thrift store finds, or for a few years, had the awesome hookup with the Big SL custom-making a few.
This year, because of the surgery, I'll be home recovering, and living in an apartment complex does not provide many trick-or-treaters. I love seeing kids in their costumes which is the ultimate treat for me. Hopefully soon I'll learn how to piece together a bobbin through a class or at least my DIY diva BFF, Kerri.
Now who doesn't like a trip down memory lane? Here are some of my most memorable costumes from the past twenty-something years. Special thanks to my mom for not only sewing 90% of them, but also scanning the pictures and emailing them to me :)
Who doesn't like Christmas a little early?
Classic Halloween staple-witch with creepy green face, and my cousin Amy as some form of trooper.
My childhood neighbor and friend Joanne, whom I spent many a Halloween's with!
...or simply afternoons in preparation of Halloween, playing dress up.
Probably my favorite costume-Miss America. Kept that sash around for a while!
Kerri always loved those "Scary Stories" books growing up-much braver than I, and went with an appropriate costume that year. Her mom puff-painted the "Erin" megaphone on my uniform.
Beginning of the awkward stage and end of those costume years! I had an unnatural obsession with "Grease" for longer than one should My sister made the cutest Pebbles though.
The laptop these pictures were on crashed so I am left with only this proof-sized option from a few years ago. I LOVED this military outfit. Bought the real deal at an Army surplus and had SL take it in, in a few choice places. Kerri made for a pretty cute librarian herself.
Believe this was in 2006 and probably the last time I really dressed up. Kerri was a soda shoppe girl and I was supposed to be a gangster but sans fedora, all I really looked like (or confirmed to be) was a Broadway babe or glittery librarian. Either was fine-costume sparkled and Kerri and I had our signature Romy & Michelle pose down.
Happy Halloween!
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