I stocked up at the Borders going out of business sale earlier this summer in anticipation for our Cancun getaway with some classics-The Adventures of Tom Sawyer, Lord of the Flies, and Gulliver's Travels.
I powered through Tom Sawyer (loved it-never read it) and am almost through Lord of the Flies (Sorry Mr. Leon, I remember nearly nothing of this from 10th grade!) Still working on Gulliver's Travels.
What piece of amazing literature took the cake, pie, cookies, and ice cream:

Snort, cry, laugh out loud reading. So much I know Scott was annoyed by the continued outbursts. I wanted to buy this book from the day it came out, but I forced myself to wait until it would apply to beachside reading. So glad I did. Ironically, American Airlines has some sort of agreement with NBC so I saw the same episodes of 30 Rock*, The Office, and Community on four different flights (sans headphones) and in one, it was the season finale when Tina Fey has a fantasy and Ina Garten is her neighbor!!! ZOMG my worlds collided! I do realize this is actually her character Liz Lemon, but let me say if there is a dinner party waiting to happen it includes me and those two ladies. Meryl Streep is optional.
I was tempted to put quotes here from the book but then I'd just be retyping everything and thus, people should just borrow it from me or buy it. I even went against my principles and bought it in hardcover. Doesn't come out in soft until January of 2012. Too long to wait people!
Do yourself a favor and ignore the depression of the world for a few hours and crack open these pages of fine American literature.
*I'm not sure what happened but we fell out of 30 Rock Thursdays so you can bet I've added them to the Netflix queue to catch up.
1 comment:
Loved it! I so can relate at the outbursts of laughter while reading. I was constantly saying, "hey John, listen to this one."
Tina Fey is hilarious. And a genius.
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