So what did we do?
I finally painted our everything-including-walls-and-trim-and-closets-and-windows bisque bedroom, a few shades of tan. Still has some more dressing up to do with a new duvet that does not seem to exist outside my brain and within my very reasonable budget. I'm sure this service exists somewhere so I may promote the idea but I'm too cheap to actually hire people like this--a service that would do the painting prep work for you-TSP the walls, spackle, sand, tape, and prime the walls, all so you can get Sugar Kisses up in one day. I loathe painting prep.
I purchased a headlight oxidation repair kit a few weeks ago and went to do it this weekend when one of the three parts included-buffer, wash cloth, and solution was missing-the buffer. So we rode our bikes to Autozone and in my sweaty paint-clothed feminine way, I nicely asked them to swap it out for a complete kit-as I was sans receipt. Being nice gets you places people! After a 4:00 lunch I got to work to rectify my poor headlights.
I'm pretty bad about taking before and after pictures, so imagine my headlights looked something like this:
Since I am on the bandwagon of listing our hard work, I'll also add grocery shopping because that takes time and efforts that resemble the work of a burrow.
Scott hung our new porch light. I broke the orb that surrounded the white bulb MONTHS ago dusting away cob webs, and living the ghetto lifestyle of a solo bulb wasn't very inviting to our guests. Now, high porch fashion.
I also finally got rid of 6 keys from my keyring. Lessons learned the hard way in life-too heavy key chain can break your transmission and leave you stranded at a bridal shower for hours. Not really a big deal when you do it before or during the shower, but after it slightly cramps your Sunday evening plans. Also, it gives your assistant back aches hauling the set to and from the post office. But, I've ditched 6 keys to the tune of an intimate14. Now you might think-is this really laborious? Yes-because I walked between our two sides making sure I was getting rid of keys that really had no purpose.
Finally got around to filing/shredding/ditching/making a new pile of "requires further reading" mountain of paperwork that accumulates during the week on my desk. Nothing like organizing to help you find zen.
Finally, I capped my weekend off with vacuuming and washing both of our cars. Complete with final Febreze spritz.
The most laborious award this weekend goes to Scott, who helped his brother and sister-in-law move from their apartment to their new home and then came home to rip out the mile of pink geraniums on our parkway. I know people will be saddened, but every person getting out of the passenger side of the car will salute us for years to come. Though we will miss the small bouquets left on our doorstep by Vivien and Nathaniel too.
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